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A better world for future generations

Our Earth, Our world, Our future

At The Pangolin UK, we are committed to being part of a community that bases it's fundamental principles on leaving a sustainable world for future generations. We understand that sometimes for the big changes to happen we have to take small steps. As a result, we get involved in as many sustainability projects as we can.


"In a gentle way, you can shake the world. " - Mahatma Gandi



Our Vision: Project

Our Mission

To provide accounting and consultancy services to small businesses through efficient use of the latest technology and innovation helping our clients enjoy their lives more whilst striving to be an environmentally-conscious member of our community.

Our Vision 

Our vision is to build a reputable forward-thinking accounting and consulting practice brand that will be trusted and known as a genuine small business partner.

Meet Our Adopted Pangolin, Marimba

As part of our small-steps campaign to help create a sustainable world, we have adopted a Pangolin in Zambia through the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation's. Pangolins are the most trafficked mammals in the world. They are illegally taken for their meat and scales which some believe, have medicinal properties. Over one million pangolins are believed to have been traded illegally in the last decade.  By adopting a pangolin, we have helped to fund anti-poaching and community outreach work to help protect their populations in Africa.


Being a Paperless Office

At The Pangolin we try our best to use as little paper as possible. In fact, we hardly ever print any! With the help of computers and Cloud technology, we have a system of working with our clients that ensures that we are doing our part to reduce paper. From getting your records via Dropbox or our portal to processing your accounts on Xero and communicating with you via phone and email and filing your accounts with companies house electronically. 


In doing all this in our own small way we are helping to save water, cut down on pollution and save the trees!


©2024 The Pangolin UK Consulting Limited.

Registered in England & Wales Company No. 11574063

Registered Office: 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX. Privacy Policy | Legals & Disclaimer

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